Senin, 22 Juni 2009


Mesir have been found? esteeming by 3,16. They understand from area of circle square is same 8 / 9 times diameter.
People since measurement radian introduced have Egypt 2450 SM with triangle interralate. In throw rhind and moskow can find geometry duty. Which, area of circle which is same sawed eight to the nine time diameter and then real correct cylinder volume of is same elementary time height area. Hence, we earn separate is same area of circle eight to the nine times diameter in square bracket. Our know that is same diameter twice radius, and then can find from that is same circle eight to the nine times twice radius in which is same square sixty four to the eighty once four times radius which is same square two hundreds fivety six to the eighty once radius which is same square three dot one six times square radius. Hence, people in Egypt have found phy is three dot one six. And then analytic wisthel phy which is same phy three dot one four.

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