Minggu, 11 Januari 2009


 attributed to First person inventions of mathematics
 Mathematics which first time formulating theorema / proposition
 Applied sciences in the reality have been put down by Thales before
Pythagoras making number
 Using geometry to solve problem like pyramid counting pursuant to shadow
length and ship distance of coast
 Because his him, he is known as by statesman, adviser, engineer,mathematics,
and astral expert.

• Is not inventor of theorems/ theorem of pythagoras, but him considered to be
from the theorems because first verification of this theorem is best which
have been given by Pythagoras
• Brotherhood of Pythagoras number menemukan √ 2 as of irrasional.
• Joining between mathematics and music to make something becoming regular and
do not in confusion, music sharpen feeling while mathematics give order how
this world can walk regularly
• Philosophy of Pythagoras pursuant to ascription that integer is denominator
from all kinds of nature of from Iihat vitamin
• Assumed by Neoplatonis as inventor of brotherly numbers / amicabel.

 A philosophy
 Philosophy teaching of have never been written down, was but conducted by
him with deed namely with way of living
 If observed truly, he also do not teach philosophy, but live to have
philosophy. Is not knowledge expert, but thinker .
 Target of the philosophy of to look for truth applying forever and ever
 Rendering midwifery technique ( tekhne maieutika ) in philosophizing
 Isn't it ideology concerning perception of cosmology
 Teaching of flange at naturalism where form of such organization is
individualis with democracy as organizational principle of him
 A filusuf owning understanding that life of solar system supposing, mean
seen planets encircling sun, hence becoming a conclusion that strong
determine the weakness.

1. Is pupil of Sokrates and teacher of Aristoteles
2. Plato is creator of teaching completely goal, in consequence the philosophy
of named by idealism. Teaching of delivering birth because the interaction
of with clan of sofis
3. Plato is expert think first which accept understanding of is existence of
nature is not object
4. All important Facet in philosophy of Plato is idea of concerning Utopia is
earliest theme in the network of length idea of him, both of theory of
concerning ideas where studying concerning universal problem, later;then the
conception of more coming scientific from memory than perception.

a) Learn mathematics at Plato academy and in place this is also lifted as
instructor of mathematics
b) Biggest masterpiece of him is book " The Element " what consist of 13 book
c) Known as by geometry father because telling number theory and geometry
d) Finding appliances of for example meter and ruler
 Mistar→to make straight line which do not limited
 Jangka→to make circle of the size different radius
e) Subjects the studied is forms, equation pythagoras theorema in algebra,
radian, tangent, geometry of room,theory of proposition, and others.

o A mathematics which expert in geometry
o Theorem of connecting some element in trilateral
o Appolonius divide curve become 3 category :
• Plane loci → straight line dan circle
• Solid loci → trapeze shares or cutting
• Linear loci → aliance mark with lines and area form.
o Writing way quickly which comprising instruction of enumeration concepts or
tips-tips quickly
o Conception parabola, ellipse and hyperbolas giving many contributions for
modern astronomy.

 Known as by algebra father because the masterpiece of entitling aritmetika
is masterpiece in the field of algebra and also develop algebra concepts
 A Greek mathematics which living in Iskandaria
 Biggest Masterpiece of him in the form of book of aritmetika, first book
concerning algebra system
 Looked after shares of Diophantus aritmetika contain resolving of problem
about 130 problem yielding equations of first storey;level and second.

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